Meru Accounting

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Don’t know how to Set-up a Business in India?

While setting up a business in India, you must have to do some formalities initially. If you want to start a new business in India then firstly you need to decide the type of company you want to start. Depending on the type of company and the nature of business, you have to complete proper formalities. India has a better platform for several sectors to explore their business. Many small start-up businesses in India have done a nice performance in their initial few years. There are some agencies that provide business setup services to India. This can make it easier to start a business in India.

How to set up a business in India?

Depending on the type of company and the business you want to start, you need to follow a specific procedure for starting a business in India. Different types of business establishment in India

1. Private

Under Company Act 2013, the Pvt Company is considered as a separate legal entity. Any default can make the directors liable for it. They need to maintain the annual statement of accounts. They must file the IT return along with the Audit.

2. Public

Under Company Act 2013, the Public company is a separate legal entity. The directors are liable for any defaults. A Public company must maintain the annual statement of accounts. Public company must file an IT return with the Audit.

3. LLP

Under LLP Act 2008, they can start after getting the certificate of Incorporation. They are considered separate legal entities and are liable under contraventions. They need to keep annual statements with proper IT returns filing. The audit is mandatory only when the contribution is exceeding INR 25 lakh and turnover is more than INR 40 lakh.

How to set up the legal existence of the company?

– Deciding on the company name. – Consent for operating or establishing. – Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). – Filing the e-forms properly. – Submitting the required documents. – Granting the required licenses. – Obtain Director Identification Number (DIN). – Obtain Permanent Account Number (PAN). – Registering the Tax Account Number (TAN). – Verification of the submitted documents.

Can I take the help from the agency for business setup services to India?

Looking at the different legal aspects, compliance, procedures, and other complex aspects, it is always better to set up business in India from any agency. Meru Accounting provides the required service for setting up a business. They have immense experience and expertise in business setup services to India. Meru Accounting has already established itself as a quality accounting service providing agency with clients all over the world.

Here are some of the ways Meru Accounting will have role in setting up your business in India:

– Identifying the place as per the requirement for the business. – Advising for the structure of the business. – Branch, Company, or Liaison office incorporation in India. – Opening a suitable bank account for the business. – Taking the approvals from the necessary agencies and regulatory bodies. – Ensuring compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations. You need to go through proper procedures to start new business in India. Meru Accounting can give better advice to meet your requirements while starting a business in India.
How to set up a business in India?
How to set up a business in India?