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How to File an Amended Tax Return with the IRS?

Everyone wants to file an Amended Tax Return properly to ensure all tax returns are accurately done. The amended tax returns are filed usually when there are some revisions to the tax returns made previously. This can make it simpler to claim the deductions that were missed previously. Many people find it complicated to file an amended tax return with the IRS properly. Mistakes are bound to happen when filing tax returns. Through the IRS, it is possible to correct the errors discovered in the tax returns through amended tax returns.

When to file amended tax returns?

There are some situations when the filing of the amended tax is important.

Here are some of the situations when the filing amended tax becomes important:

  • Claim is made on the wrong tax filing status.
  • Missing the claim on the credit and tax deductions.
  • Removing or adding of the dependent.
  • Missing to get the taxable income on the tax return filing.
  • Claiming incorrect deductions, expenses, or credit to which you are not eligible.

If the clerical or math errors are discovered early then there is no need to file amended tax returns. It is important to ensure that the IRS has already processed the tax return before filing the amended return. If the tax refund is received by you, then it is clear that the IRS has already processed the return accordingly.

How to file the amended tax return with the IRS?

The IRS Form 1040X filling is very important while filing the amended tax return. This is then sent to the government with the different documents through either email or physically.

Here is some detailed information to file the amended tax returns:

1. Collection of necessary documents

Gather all the necessary documents and the tax returns of the last year. The original tax return must be referred to when filing the amended tax returns. Along with it, the other new documents are also important when the tax filing is done.

2. Get the necessary form

While submitting the new tax returns, it is important to submit the new forms properly. The tax forms must then be downloaded from the IRS website where the tax forms from the previous forms are needed.

3. Fill the form 1040 X

Form 1040 X must be downloaded from the IRS website, and a proper explanation must be mentioned about the reason for filing the amended tax returns.

The three important columns of this form include:

  • Column A where the income amount is written and the withheld tax from original tax returns.
  • Column B where the net changes to the taxes and income are to be written properly.
  • Column C where the correct amount of taxes and income must be amended while filing it.

4. Proper reviewing of the amended return

Before submitting, check all the necessary details and information being given are correct. Ensure that all the supporting documents and forms are included while submitting them.

5. Email the amended returns

Lastly, the email must be sent to the IRS with all necessary documents and the forms. The IRS might take around eleven to twelve weeks to review and process it properly.

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