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How to Conduct a Financial Health Check in the Pharmaceutical Industry 


Pharmaceutical industry must perform a financial health check to guarantee both their operational effectiveness and financial stability.  Analyzing important financial metrics like cash flow, profit margins, revenue growth, and return on investment is part of this process. We’ll  talk about how crucial it is to evaluate the assets, liabilities, and equity on the balance sheet in order to comprehend the state of the company’s finances. 

Pharmaceutical industry accounting can find areas for improvement and possible savings by analyzing cost structures, pricing plans, and R&D spending. By putting these financial health checks into practice, one may better anticipate financial difficulties, allocate resources optimally, and ensure industry regulations are followed. 


Pharmaceutical industries can detect possible hazards, enhance operations, and assure long-term sustainability by conducting a thorough financial health check. This blog offers a methodical strategy for assessing your pharmaceutical company’s financial health.


  1. Evaluate the sources of income

  • It’s critical to comprehend your revenue sources. This is the accounting process used in the pharmaceutical sector to analyze sales from various products, geographic areas, and client segments. 
  • Finding trends and potential development areas can be facilitated by routinely examining these sources.


  1. Examine R&D Expenses

  • For accounting in pharmaceutical industry, research and development (R&D) is essential to their survival. Keep a careful eye on R&D spending to make sure it supports your strategic objectives. 
  • To help you decide what to support in the future, assess the return on investment (ROI) of your research and development projects.


  1. Assess the Cost of Finished Goods (COGS)

  • Knowing how to calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS) is crucial to grasping profitability. Accounting in pharmaceutical industry should include a thorough analysis of production expenses, including personnel, raw materials, and overhead.
  • Finding production process inefficiencies can lead to significant cost savings.


  1. Keep an eye on operating costs

  • Marketing, administrative, and distribution costs are examples of operating expenses that can mount up quickly. Pharmaceutical industry accounting should make sure these expenses are required and in line with company goals by reviewing them on a regular basis. 
  • Seek for areas where costs might be cut without sacrificing compliance or quality.


  1. Examine the Cash Flow Statements 

  • Any business’s lifeblood is its cash flow. Keeping a good cash flow is essential in the Pharmaceutical industry accounting, as product development may be expensive and time-consuming.
  •  Make sure you have adequate cash on hand to cover your immediate obligations by regularly reviewing your cash flow statements.


  1. Determine Debt Amounts

  • Large developments at pharmaceutical industry accounting are frequently financed by debt. Keep an eye on your debt levels to make sure they’re reasonable. 
  • Examine the conditions of your debts and think about refinancing.




Pharmaceutical firms must perform a financial health check in order to guarantee stability and sustainable growth. Meru Accounting can help with this process by offering professional advice and accounting solutions that are specifically designed for the pharmaceutical sector. In order to ensure that your company succeeds, our team of experts can assist you with streamlining your financial operations and comprehending the particular accounting issues faced by the pharmaceutical industry.