Upcoming Webinar: Emerging Trends in Accounting and Bookkeeping, Date: 28th June, Time: 11:30 AM EST Upcoming Webinar: Emerging Trends in Accounting and Bookkeeping, Date: 28th June, Time: 11:30 AM EST

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Upcoming Webinar: Mastering Bookkeeping in QuickBooks Online - Advanced Techniques, Date: 14th May, Time: 11:30 AM EST. Upcoming Webinar: Mastering Bookkeeping in QuickBooks Online - Advanced Techniques, Date: 14th May, Time: 11:30 AM EST

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Hire Remote Bookkeeper, Accountant , Tax return Preparer or Admin Person

Monthly Bookkeeping, Payroll, Financial Statements or Tax returns for Real Estate Development Business and Construction Companies
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Tax Return Filing By Certified CPA / Enrolled Agent


QuickBooks And Xero Certified Experts

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50% Reduction In Costs

Hire Remote Bookkeeper, Accountant , Tax return Preparer or Admin Person

Monthly Bookkeeping, Payroll, Financial Statements or Tax returns for Real Estate Development Business and Construction Companies

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Quality Driven


QuickBooks and Xero Certified Experts


50% Reduction in

Part Time/Full Time Resources For

⚪ CPA Firms
⚪ Enrolled Agents
⚪ Bookkeeping Firms
⚪ Tax Practitioners

Hire Remote Team​

Hire Remote Bookkeeper, Accountant , Tax return Preparer or Admin Person

Monthly Bookkeeping, Payroll, Financial Statements & Tax returns for Real Estate Development Business and Construction Companies
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Quality Driven Approach


QuickBooks and Xero Certified Experts


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Incorporate a Company in India for USD 600 - All Inclusive


How to Apply for Company Registration

Registering your company in India has never been easier or more affordable. For just USD 600, Meru Accounting provides a comprehensive, all-inclusive package to help you establish your company with minimal hassle.

Company Registration – How to Register a Company in India for just USD 600

Starting a branch office in India involves specific steps and requirements:

  • For Domestic Companies: Pass a resolution in the board meeting specifying the business activities for the new branch, and appoint a person to manage daily operations.
  • For Foreign Companies: Obtain approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to establish a branch.
how to register a company in india step by step guide for startups
extra extra process of company registration

Steps for Company Registration for USD 600 – All-Inclusive

  1. Choose Business Structure: Select the business structure that best matches your needs.
  2. Request a DSC: We will assist you in obtaining a Digital Signature Certificate for your business.
  3. Name Approval: Finalize the name approval process within 48 hours of submitting the application.
  4. Get DIN: Request a Director Identification Number, which is allocated to each director.

Why Incorporate a Company in India?

Registering your business is essential for operating without legal issues. India is a land of opportunities, offering success in various fields. At Meru Accounting, we provide end-to-end support for your company incorporation needs at an affordable price of USD 600, all-inclusive. Feel free to contact us.

How to Incorporate a Company in India Complete Guide e1717586145949

Benefits of Company Incorporation for USD 600

  • Corporate Presence: A company has an independent corporate presence.
  • Minimized Liability: Incorporating a company significantly reduces personal liability.
  • Perpetual Existence: An incorporated company continues to exist irrespective of changes in membership.
  • Common Seal: The company’s official seal.
  • Transferability of Shares: Shares and other interests of members are movable and transferable as per the company’s articles.
  • Ownership of Assets: No individual member or group of members can claim ownership of the company’s assets.
  • Legal Identity: A company can sue and be sued in its own name, without involving individual members.

Pricing: USD 600 - All Inclusive

Our comprehensive package for company registration is priced at just USD 600. This all-inclusive fee covers everything you need to get your company registered, including:

  • Consultation and Expert Advice
  • Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
  • Name Approval Process
  • Director Identification Number (DIN)
  • All Government Fees and Charges
  • End-to-End Support

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Bookkeeping And Accounting for Architects

Architects are experts in the design and planning of various types of structures, including private residences, business buildings, and public areas. In accordance with building laws and regulations, they must create designs that are both visually pleasing and functional, meeting the needs and requirements of their clients. For architects to effectively manage their money and operate their businesses, bookkeeping and accounting are essential.

Meru Accounting helps architects by offering customised accounting services that are suited to their particular demands. This includes keeping track of the project costs, handling client invoices and billing, keeping an eye on cash flow, and creating financial reports. Additionally, Meru Accounting offers insightful information and assists architects in adhering to tax laws.

Core Aspects of Bookkeeping and Accounting for Architects

Monitoring Sustainability and Environmental Impact (Optional):

  • Keeping track of the expenses and environmental effects of initiatives (such as those involving building materials and energy efficiency).
  • Future project proposals that emphasise sustainable design may benefit from this, and it may also draw in clients who are looking for eco-friendly architecture.

Benchmarking the Industry and Competitive Analysis:

  • Examining the financial performance parameters of their company (such as project profitability and overhead expenses) in relation to industry standards for architects with comparable experience and expertise.
  • To comprehend the price policies and service provisions of rival architecture firms, conduct a competitive analysis.
  • Determining what needs to be improved upon and creating plans to maintain market competitiveness..

Task Estimating and Cost-Plus Pricing (Selective):

  • Using job costing techniques for particular projects (like bespoke furniture design) to keep track of all project-related costs (labour, materials, overhead).
  • Using job costing information to calculate project costs precisely.
  • Implementing cost-plus pricing strategies, ensuring profitability while remaining competitive.

Development of a Budget and Proposal (Optional):

  • Helping architects create the financial portions of grant applications to finance creative design projects or research programmes.
  • Creating project costs that are in line with grant requirements by collaborating with architects.

Management of Intellectual Property (IP) :

  • If their company creates original design elements or is a patent holder, they should set up a system to monitor and assess their IP.
  • Thinking about how intellectual property might affect project costs or licensing possibilities.

Contracts Based on Performance and Optional Incentive Tracking:

  • Contracts for specific projects may contain performance-based incentives (e.g., meeting energy efficiency targets).
  • To guarantee correct accounting entries and budget conformity, keeping track of project performance measures and any bonuses or incentives given to employees.

Business versus Personal Expenses:

  • Providing precise recommendations on how to distinguish between business and personal expenses for architects who may operate as independent contractors or small business owners.
  • To guarantee correct spending classification and reduce tax obligations, keep accurate records.

Plans for Recovering from Data Breach and Cybersecurity Insurance:

  • Investigate their alternatives for cybersecurity insurance to reduce the financial risk of data breaches.
  • Creating data breach recovery plans that include client communications and data restoration techniques, and that outline what to do in the event of a cyberattack.

Business valuation and succession planning:

  • For established businesses, thinking about implementing bookkeeping procedures that make it easier to value the company in the event of a sale or succession plan.
  • Keeping correct financial records guarantees fair market value for the company and facilitates a more seamless transfer of ownership.

Needs of bookkeeping and accounting for Architects


  1. Grant Management (Optional): Keeping track of grant spending separately and following appropriate bookkeeping procedures to comply with grant financing standards if their company submits grant applications.
  2. Partnership & Equity Management (Optional): Keeping thorough records of partner contributions, profit sharing, and equity ownership if their company runs as a partnership.
  3. Strategic Staffing & Resource Allocation Decisions: Finding inefficiencies in the way resources are allocated, then using data to guide decisions about expanding the workforce, contracting out particular work, or funding staff training initiatives.
  4. Monitoring Customer Contentment: Creating a system to monitor returning customers and evaluate project data (complete time, client comments) to find out what influences customer satisfaction and promote recurring business.
  5. Data Reporting: Making use of data visualisation tools to create succinct and understandable dashboards or reports that display financial data (project costs, profitability, and cash flow).

Benefits of bookkeeping and accounting for Architects

  1. Income Tracking: Tracking money from project fees, reimbursements, and other services to ensure the financial health and profitability of the project. Examining spending on marketing, software, salaries, and project-specific expenses. 
  2. Tax Planning & Lower Liabilities: Keeping up with architect tax laws (self-employment taxes, deductions). Collaborating with an accountant to guarantee precise submission of tax returns and reduce tax obligations.
  3. Better Cash Flow Management and Well-Informed Decisions: This makes it possible to make well-informed financial choices whether taking on new projects, adding staff, or purchasing new software.
  4. Better Client Billing and Collection: To Produce expert, lucid bills for the services provided. Establish effective methods for collecting money to guarantee on-time payments and preserve a stable cash flow.
  5. Data-Driven Business Growth & Strategic Planning: To find areas for improvement and provide guidance for strategic planning, analyse past project data (costs, schedules, and client satisfaction). 

Why Choose Meru Accounting ?

There are many advantages to choose Meru Accounting for bookkeeping and accounting services catered to architects. 

Accurate and modern financial management solutions tailored to the particular requirements of architectural firms are Meru Accounting’s speciality. 

Meru Accounting guarantees accurate tracking of project expenses, effective management of client billing and invoicing procedures, and careful cash flow monitoring thanks to its thorough awareness of the nuances of the sector. Meru Accounting saves architects a great deal of time and money by streamlining the whole accounting process via the use of state-of-the-art accounting software and solutions.

Furthermore, Meru Accounting’s proficiency in tax compliance guarantees architects remain current with ever evolving legislation, hence reducing the possibility of expensive fines. 

Architects can easily negotiate financial problems, make educated decisions, and concentrate on delivering their work when they choose Meru Accounting as their trusted partner.

Services offered by Meru Accounting For Architects

Meru Accounting  offers Architects a wide choice of bookkeeping and accounting services that are customised to meet the particular requirements of their business. A few of the crucial services consist of:

  1. Monitoring Project Expenses and Assessing Profitability:
  • Establishing a method for keeping thorough track of all project-related costs, including labour costs, supplies, contractor fees, and software licences.
  • To find opportunities for cost optimisation and to guide future project pricing strategies, create reports that analyse the profitability of your projects.

     2. Billing & Accounts for Clients Management of Receivables:

  • Providing a method for generating professional, understandable invoices that include the project’s parameters, costs, due dates, and billable hours.
  • Effectively managing their accounts receivable by keeping track of past-due customer payments, putting procedures in place for collection, and providing flexible payment options.

     3.Analysis of Staff Utilisation and Time Management:

  • Incorporating time monitoring software to oversee the amount of time employees spend on administrative duties and various project stages, such as design, planning, and construction documents.
  • Examining data to find inefficiencies in the use of resources and make the best personnel choices for upcoming initiatives.

     4.Forecasting cash flow and budgeting:

  • Working together with architects to create reasonable project budgets that take into account labour costs, project scope, and any unforeseen costs.
  • To foresee financial requirements, prepare for future investments, and guarantee project finance availability, create total business cash flow predictions.

     5.Strategies for Tax Planning and Minimization:

  • Keeping abreast on tax laws that affect architects, such as those pertaining to self-employment taxes and business expenditure deductions.
  • Creating tax-minimization plans to increase after-tax earnings and guarantee that tax filing deadlines are met.

     6.Grant Management & Funding Support:

  • Helping their company adopt bookkeeping procedures that satisfy grant financing requirements if it submits grant applications.
  • To maintain accountability and transparency, keep track of grant spending independently and send reports to grantors.

     7. Consulting for Strategic Business:

  • Financial information and industry standards can be used to offer strategic business planning insights.
  • Examining data to find expansion prospects, such as adding new services, focusing on clientele from other demographics, or investigating joint ventures.

      8.Cybersecurity and Data Security Measures:

  • Adopting data security measures in accordance with data privacy laws to safeguard sensitive client information, such as project plans and financial data.

     9.Cloud-Based Software for Bookkeeping and Collaboration:

  • Architects and accountants can work together securely, remotely access financial data, and streamline bookkeeping processes by utilising cloud-based accounting software.


Meru Accounting provides complete bookkeeping and accounting services that are customised to meet the unique demands of architects. Meru Accounting offers architects accurate, current, and dependable support because of its in-depth knowledge of the architectural sector and proficiency in financial administration. Meru Accounting guarantees accurate cash flow management, improved invoicing procedures, and effective tracking of project expenses by utilising innovative accounting software and solutions. Furthermore, Meru Accounting’s dedication to staying current with new rules guarantees that architects continue to comply with tax laws and regulations, reducing the possibility of facing financial penalties. Architects may concentrate on their main business operations with Meru Accounting as their dependable partner, secure in the assurance that their financial affairs are in competent hands.

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