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Entity type selection for entrepreneur in India

Entity type selection for entrepreneur in India

India is becoming a hub for entrepreneurs to set up their business entities. There could be many reasons behind it, one can think of, like laid-back government procedures, easy company set-up, and registrations, easy availability of the resources. But one thing the entrepreneur had to concern over the most is to decide what kind of […]

When is the time to stop using small software and move to ERP?

Benefits of ERP Software for Accounting

Benefits of ERP Software for Accounting Benefits of ERP Software for Accounting – For several years, many of the businesses are using accounting software to carry their accounting activities. They use the accounting package as per the requirements of the market and the capability of the staff handling these activities. Accounting software is an essential […]

Spending Habits And Its Impact On Plan And Budgets

Spending Habits And Its Impact On Plan And Budgets

Have you ever sat down and evaluated your spending habits? Have you ever thought about what impact it may have on your financial plans and budgets? If not, then consider it again as it is one of the essential parts while forecasting and budgeting. Evaluation of your spending habits i.e. on what you are spending […]

Skills required for virtual accountants

Skills required for virtual accountants

Accounting is one of the critical departments in all organizations. Therefore, many companies are now outsourcing the accounting work to third party agencies. Quality and cost-effectiveness are the main reasons for outsourcing accounting work. So, it’s a nice move if an organization is deciding to hire a virtual accountant. However, outsourcing accounting work is not […]

How Rapid Digital Transformation Has Affected The Accounting World?

How Rapid Digital Transformation Has Affected The Accounting World

Digital transformation refers to using digital technology for doing your tasks and managing your work. This digital technology is fast as compared to traditional ways, however, ever-changing too. One of the most suitable examples one can present of digital technology is of ‘Cloud Computing.’ ‘Cloud’ has changed the whole prospect of work management. You can […]

Scorp vs LLC

Scorp vs LLC

Scorp vs LLC. What should a business owner opt for? There are many forms of business entities that exist in the law for various purposes. A layman might think why does the form of the business matter? Turns out that is one of the biggest factors. One such frequent structure is Scorp and LLC. Let […]

Importance of customer service as part of virtual bookkeeping services

Bookkeeping service for Australia

Bookkeeping is an important activity for any of the businesses. All the financial transactions in the business related to purchase, sales, payments, and income are recorded in the bookkeeping. The bookkeeper usually performs the bookkeeping activity of the business. However, many companies now prefer virtual bookkeeping services for managing their financial transactions. Reporting and analysis […]

Xero Addons Comparison

Xero Addons Comparison

Xero Accounting Addons Comparison Businesses need to maintain a proper record of all the financial transactions in their business. Xero is a very reliable accounting tool that is cloud-based with some fantastic features. It has proved very beneficial for several small and medium-sized businesses. Xero is also a very convenient tool to know the crucial […]

Key Financial Indicators for Business

financial indicators for Business

Things to check after getting your financial statements Every business strives to achieve growth and maintain the proper workflow in its organization. Financial statements are essential to know the overall condition of the company. Most companies today make appropriate financial statements by maintaining financial records in their business. However, when it comes to analyzing the […]