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Requirement to register a business with ACRA Singapore

register a business with ACRA Singapore

As a leading and responsible accounting and bookkeeping firm, we always come up with new information and solutions for our blog reader. In this blog post, you will know everything about the requirement to register a business with ACRA Singapore. A GUIDE TO ACRA SINGAPORE If you wish to develop business in Singapore or already […]

Claiming input tax in Singapore

Claiming input tax Singapore

GST was implemented in countries to eliminate repetitive taxes that are paid multiple time, both on the time of their purchase and sales, by the taxpayers. The facility of ‘Input Credit claim’ was provided by the government of many countries, including Singapore, to claim back their money. What is ‘Input Credit’? At the time of […]



With the gradual shift of industry from the manual accounting to online and cloud-based accounting, the market got flooded with accounting softwares. Every software, some free and some with subscription, benefits you with their own features. Due to this, it becomes essential to select software that complies with your business. Softwares that are designed specifically […]

Blockchain in Accounting

Blockchain in Accounting

What is the blockchain effect? You can use blockchain as a transaction method to encapsulate your transaction information. It acts as a ledger of transactions shared within the parties. In particular, it digitally documents each piece of valid information about a product in real-time and maintains transparency.Do you have a networking environment? Does this environment […]

Preparing Monthly Finances

best tips for preparing monthly finances

Preparing Monthly Finances Do you want to know all about Preparing Monthly Finances then read this blog post by Meru Accounting and learn more The term ‘Bookkeeping’ refers to the recording of the transactions. In any business, whether small or large, we record every transaction, then carry forward for the further accounting process. It is […]

Why it is important to Forecast your financials

important to Forecast your financial

Why is it important to forecast your financials? Do you know why it is important for financial forecasting in business? If you are still not sure, read this blog post from Meru Accounting. 1. Forecasting for your business Do you wish your business would be heard? If yes, then you are welcome to venture into […]

Checklist for preparation of 1040

Checklist for preparation of 1040

Meru Accounting is one of the leading outsourcing firms in India. We feel that it is a great opportunity to share our expertise and knowledge with you. In this blog post, we provide information about a complete checklist for the preparation of 1040. Read for detailed information. Form 1040 is the principal federal income tax […]

AI in Accounting: Why you should be aware as an accountant?


AI in Accounting: Why should you be aware as an accountant? “We’re quickly approaching an era of ‘no-code accounting’–truly zero data entry,” Blake Oliver, editor of Cloud Accounting Weekly, writes. “We’re already seeing cloud accounting platforms move beyond transaction automation and into the analysis. Machine learning [can] give accounting professionals unprecedented insights into their client […]

Business Without Debtors

Business Without Debtors

What will happen if a business does not manage its debtors? When we start a business and start managing it, the sales may differ from time to time. A part of this fluctuation in sales may be because of a few instances. There are many people that need to pay their due money to the […]

Odoo VS Xero Feature Comparison

Odoo VS Xero Feature Comparison 1024x768-02

Odoo VS Xero Feature Comparison Meru Accounting is a leading bookkeeping firm and hence we share our knowledge with our blog reader. Please read Odoo VS Xero Feature Comparison for your knowledge to make the right decision. Outsource Accounting these days is catching the pace. Companies, nowadays are opting more for it.. it allows companies […]