Accounting is one of the critical departments in all organizations. Therefore, many companies are now outsourcing the accounting work to third party agencies. Quality and cost-effectiveness are the main reasons for outsourcing accounting work. So, it’s a nice move if an organization is deciding to hire a virtual accountant. However, outsourcing accounting work is not an easier task. There are some qualities required for virtual accountants to make the work better. These qualities will make sure that organizations get a better
accounting service.
Qualities required for virtual accountants
Qualification is one of the essential criteria that the company should look for while hiring a Virtual Accountant. The Virtual Accountant should have qualifications like Chartered Accountant, Bachelor of Accounting degree, Bachelor of Business (Majoring in Accounting), etc. They should also have some practical knowledge of making the
Bookkeeping, Income statement in the business, and every essential accounting-related thing required in the business.
1. Knowledge of technology
With the advent of progress in technology, it has engulfed all the spheres of the work. The Virtual Accountant should be well-versed with technology and should implement it in the accounting work. They should use all the essential software while doing accounting activities. There are many
accounting software used, like
Zoho books, Tally ERP, Marg ERP, etc. Apart from this, the accountant can also use their more advanced software.
2. Ability to adapt to a change in technology
Many of the professionals find it challenging to improve their work patterns through the changing technology. However, the working model of the organization can change, and also the accounting pattern does change over a passage of time. So, the
virtual accountant assistant should be quick enough to change the technology as required.
3. Ability to adapt to the culture
The organization may have some changes in its internal pattern of working. It is difficult for the accountant to implement the changes accordingly. However, to make the work pattern go swiftly, the
virtual accountant assistant must also adapt according to the culture.
4. Dedicate a set number of hours
Virtual Assistants are usually paid on an hourly basis or the amount of work they do in an interval of duration. So, there should be some set number of hours that the virtual assistant accountant should dedicate to their client. It is handy to communicate essential things in the organization and implement efficiency in the work. It will also minimize the communication gap between both ends, and note all the small details.
5. Regular work review
To eliminate the minor issues and ensure proper work, there has to be an appropriate review of the work. Thus, the organization will get all the essential reports regularly.
6. Time Tracking Software
Virtual Assitant usually use time tracking software to keep track of the work done over a passage of time. This software gives the proper insight regarding the exact time required for completing a particular task in the accounts.
These are some qualities required for virtual accountants. The virtual accountants excelling in all these qualities will give efficiency in the organization’s work.